Twitter, Facebook and LinkdedIn modules released in 0.5

Posted by Antoine Sabot-Durand on Jun 16, 2013 | Comments

This week-end we released version 0.5 of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Agorava modules. They are now in Maven central

End of a long SNAPSHOT

These 3 modules were in SNAPSHOT mode for a long time. As people use them today in production and we are about to change (slightly) Agorava core
API, we decided to release them to be sure that you won’t have trouble when core will be updated.

How to grab them

Right now they are only available in CDI implementation. You can get them with






don’t forget to add Agorava core CDI to your project as well


What’s next?

We’ll finish some API stabilization on Agorava Core, publish compatible modules and then work hard to provide up to date modules on these
major social network.