Agorava 0.5.2 released. What's new and what's on the roadmap ?
Version 0.5.2 just hit Maven Central, what’s new in this release and what to expect in the coming months
It’s been a long time
We didn’t have much time lately to work on Agorava Core but that’s going to change in the coming month.
On the module side, some initiative were started (among them stackoverflow, github, instagram…). We’ll post about them later.
Release notes
Since we didn’t gave an announcement for 0.5.X releases, you’ll find bellow a compilation of both release notes
Release Notes – Agorava – Version 0.5.1 and 0.5.2Bug
- [AGOVA-25] – Weld 1.1.9 and beyond not supported
- [AGOVA-14] – SimpleOAuthAppSettingsBuilder doesn't work when callback url is an SSL uri
- [AGOVA-19] – Agora dependencies in dependency management uses dynamic project version
- [AGOVA-26] – Add OpenWebBeans tests
- [AGOVA-15] – Complicated to use Agorava without session scope
- [AGOVA-16] – Annotation @OAuthApplication make params mandatory
- [AGOVA-17] – Making PropertyOAuthAppSettingsBuilder as default builder for OAuthApplication
- [AGOVA-27] – Align Generics on solder last updates
What’s coming next in core ?
We’re now actively working on API simplification and OpenWebBeans support in core. After that we’ll be working by integrating our own OAuth engine and provide a JAX-RS implementation of it. You can follow the roadmap on our Jira instance
What’s coming next in modules ?
Our main modules (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) are still in snapshot. We expect to release them during Q3 2013. Stay tuned and thanks for your patience